I am forever happy to paint dandelions--am even okay with seeing them in my yard, which is a relief as there seem to be more than usual this year... The other night I captured the most beautiful photo of one in the seed stage right as the sun was setting behind it. Had I waited a minute or two longer I would have missed it. Some day I may attempt painting this one.
The painting below was equally exciting because it was done specifically for my clients taste and decor. I was invited to visit her home and see the space where the painting would hang and also to talk about colors, furniture, and the accessories near where the art would hang. It was a great experience because I myself tend to know what I like aesthetically--fun to be on the flip side of that.
Also went back to acrylics for this painting for the first time in a long while. Oils have always been my favorite feeling medium to work with--the acrylics were much more challenging to mix. However, the drying time is hard to beat!
11x14 Acrylic on Canvas